Hot, hot, hot
Another heat wave in the west, Mom. 114F in Barstow is the predicted temp today and 128F in Death Valley. Alerts from Sacramento to beyond Arizona. It's hot here as well, both Jackie and I thought about getting in the soaker pool last night (w/out talking about it to each other). I do think that I prefer the dry heat of the west. This humidity stuff is killer! What do you think of the quilt, Ma? And our idea for the left over panels? Two of them we're going to finish and hang on the wall in the family room along with my mixed media bead work project. I've started a new one - correcting faults from the first one and, hopefully, be able to sell it. The car is running and I'm becoming more confident in it for the short term. We're checking out what money we've saved can buy us and think we may need to try to add more money to the kitty to get a dependable car. There's no sense buying someone else major problems. We haven't heard from Polly,...