Hey Mama; Been an up and down couple of weeks, eh? It's been easier with reliable transportation and not going into an absolute panic over money. We know things will be tight eventually but for now being able to have a full freezer of food and being able to take Grady to the vet is good. Downside: Jackie lost her birth Mom yesterday. We've known it's been coming but it's still hard. In some ways having you go so quickly was good but it left us reeling and still does. I can't believe it was less than 2 weeks, Mom. Downside: Grady has bounced back a little but he won't recover, not with feline HIV. We'll do what we can for him. My stubby tail stubborn boy - still has some fire in him. downside: with the recent project with the bookcases, cleaning and moving things racked out my back for a week and it's still not recovered, damnit. neutral: I start some intense counseling this week and Jackie has treatment for her back on Thurs, day after my...