Stewar Cramer

with very heavy heart I need to honor a very dear friend and part of the family for over 2 decades. Stewart Cramer passed away late Sept. His daughter found my Yule card and called. He could no longer walk and gave up. Please remember him a t the fires this year, raise a goblet, a glass, a drinking horn or a cup (filled with his favorite coffee). He was amazing. Every time we'd see him we'd learn something new - which saying a lot since we saw him practically every other month. Hope you got to hear how he killed a Studebaker car with a pair of paratrooper boots, had to pay for the car, got demoted and transferred to Japan. He never drank again. The pictures are from a campout in 2006. He's wearing a Viking over tunic that Mom made for him and on his beret is a beadwork piece that I did. Hail Stewart!