
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Plan - Day 2

Day 2 - no weight difference - probably from drinking water late at night. A little less energy today.  I went and got liver detox and kelp pills at the mall and then went to Walmart for cat food and liver.  Went through the mall and Walmart without getting a soda or snack.  Bought water instead. Have a headache today. DAY 2                Record basal body temp (do this until temp consistently reads above 97F – taper off supplements at this point                Weigh yourself and record the results                Drink 16oz of water with lemon juice                Take liver supplement w/kelp and B-12 Breakfast 1 cup of flax granola  to make it a bit more palatable...

The Plan - Day 1

DAY ONE – NO TEST Awakening                Record basal body temp (do this until temp consistently reads above 97F – taper off supplements at this point                Weigh yourself and record the results                Drink 16oz of water with lemon juice                Take liver supplement w/kelp and B-12                Breakfast 1 cup flax granola with ½ cup blueberries Silk coconut milk or rice dream Lunch Carrot ginger soup w/sunflower seeds Sautéed or steamed broccoli drizzled with orange oil and lemon juice (make enough for leftovers) Baby romaine w/1/2 pear, ¼ avocado, and pumpkin seeds Snack ...

Rosh HaShannah

Happy New Year Missing you terribly, Mom.  Not surprising as we're heading into fall.  Two days ago I was in boxer shorts, sleeveless t-shirt and sandals.  Today I'm in furry lined boots, sweat pants, t-shirt and flannel shirt.  It was a pretty good drop and my body is really telling me about it. Today is the New Year in Judaism. It's rather fitting that we're starting a program to get healthy by totally revamping what we eat.  We'll go through a 3 day cleanse (low impact food - not imposed colon cleansing).  Then foods are slowly added to see if they flare the inflammation we both suffer from. From the base line temp when i first wake up tells us that I have a slow functioning thyroid and we already know my liver is enlarged and the numbers in one area are off and has been.  I'm continuing the higher dose of Vitamin D and taking a B-12 supplement in addition to dandelion tea to jump start the liver functions.  I've gone from 3 cups of str...


Hey, Mom; I've been more determined lately to focus on my writing.  I'm reading a couple of books that will help with that - some mistakes that can reduce reader enjoyment.  It also helps that Steph is posting erotica stuff on Amazon. I started to revamp Killing with the Bard (pun intended).  Did a basic first edit and read through and found I don't relate to the characters or the story.  Puzzling considering how much time I spent on that thing.  Then I found that I'm not interested in rereading Hallowed Crossing or Nikki and Case.  Okay, what's going on? I frequently re-read my stuff, usually for my own enjoyment. I think it's because those stories were what they call "uber" Xena/Gabrielle - taking the characters, changing them only slightly and put them in modern situations.  My head isn't in that space.  I'm also not sure "uber" Buffy would work - those characters are so defined totally in their universe.  It could be don...