Health Stuff
Well, had the colon exam and it came back clear with some weakness in some muscles that might explain some of the health stuff but not to the level I'm experiencing. Okay, it's mental combined with physical? Joy. Three years ago my heart checked out fine, my colon is great, my back isn't declining as fast as I feared, my blood work looks good except for one liver panel which I'm working on. I've gone from a qt of caffeine a day to one cup of tea in the morning and an occasional soda. Next to conquer is the sugar. Tired after yard work this mornign but feeling good about what got accomplished, especially Jackie's input. The yard looks like we might actually live here. LOL Tomorrow I'm scheduled for a pelvic exam - then to request a mammogram (again). Then the only thing not checked out totally would be my stomach. Doc Kelly thinks it's time for me to be cut loose from the PTSD trauma counseling. That was a surprise and a bit of a panic. I...