Happy Birthday, Mom

Missing you, Mom. There are times when it hurts a lot. Most of the time it's a dull ache. Birthdays and Mother's Day are hard. You'd be proud of Nick, Ma. He did really well on his scores and training and has a good job in the service. He'll have some mad skills when he gets out. We miss him but beam with pride knowing we had a small hand in that. Just offering him a place to stay (with conditions and rules) turned things in another direction for him. Awesome. The cats are well. Grady is getting that "old-man" thinness because of the FHIV. His health may go downhill from here. I keep feeding him a higher grade cat food, liver and chicken. That helps. Jackie's fibro and arthritis makes things difficult for her and the global pandemic has curbed any ideas on getting a little healthier by going to the gym with me. I've lost 35 lbs over the last 6-8 months and have a bit more energy (after dealing with som...