Captain Phil & Yoga?

Hey Mom;

Did you see the latest on Deadliest Catch?  I caught a story on Yahoo since we don't have TV anymore: the boys own the Cornelia Marie outright, not just a percentage. Just like Phil wanted.  I know he was your absolute favorite and how heartbreaking it was for him to die at age 53.

Maybe if he had taken the meditation and stretching I'm doing he wouldn't have developed the clots.  I've got a timer on the computer that reminds me to get up and stretch and I did my 2nd yoga class last night.  It's really low impact, more stretching than strengthening right now, but we're all bottom rate beginners and most of us can't bend to touch our knees let alone our toes (except for the one girl that could probably put her foot behind her head).  I think it'll help as long as the stressful drive to and from doesn't counteract the good I'm doing.

They increased my meds a bit and I think it's helping this time.  Warmer weather will help as well.  Jackie has an appt to get her into the mental help part of the VA Tuesday and that will be a VERY good thing.  Her depression shows no sign of easing up.  She's doing real well in being a partner in the clean up and maintenance around here, though.

We started in on the garden yesterday, Jackie pulling weeds and me fighting with the weed whacker to get it to work right.  I got a bit done (and it rained last night) and she got mulch around the rosemary and roses.

I've got 2 gift cards for Walmart because I'm a lab rat with the experimental yoga program and we can get a microwave oven today.  Yay - not sure how we live without one now. LOL


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