ALICE COOPER!!! and us

Hey Mom; Got the link to the pictures from the VIP meeting with Alice from the concert last week. We both scored! One really cool thing was that I gave him a wristband from Cool to be Kind and asked him to read about it and, if he approved, grab a photo of himself wearing the wristband and send it on. He put it on right then and I got three shots of us. I just sent one to Anthony Head/Cool to be Kind - yes! Cool to be Kind on wrists - awesome signing my flask - he thought it would really be funny if the picture had been from "The Last Temptation" My Dept of Youth armband - the first one he's every signed! He called us the "Top Hat Twins" and thanked Jackie for dressing up. LOL note the sour skittles boxes - his first Halloween candy on the tour! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder=...