
Hey Mom,

we got the sukkah up today - last day I could do it and be observant, sunset marks the beginning of Sukkot. 

We got the tarps and branches up, the cot for me to sit and sleep on and even a light for reading.

You loved to help me decorate it and always encouraged and supported me in my religious seeking and finding of Judaism.

Miss you, Mama.  We found an old disk with pictures on it from on the Aegir's Feasts at Big Sur.  The first one was of you before the trip.  Brought tears to my eyes instantly. 

I've decided that it is time for me to write my story.  I think its unusual and fascinating, also tragic and sad.  I'm going to focus on this for the National November Writing Month challenge.  Just type or write down memories as they come and whatever tangents they bring up.  No going in order and starting with my birth onward, just random thoughts.

It's a bit scary, I'll admit.  I was suffering from PTSD when I was FIVE years old and didn't get help for the PTSD until two years ago really.  So, I'll be facing more memories and a lot of them aren't pleasant and most of them are scattered. It would be hard to pin down a time for most of my memories in most of my life but we'll see what happens. 

Random entries and I'll polish them all later. 

Memories of two strong women that helped me (and then Jackie) get here, two strong women that held me back or suppressed me at times.  Memories of an abusive son of a bitch that deserved the painful end he got.  Memories of animals and insecurity.  Of loyalty and emptiness.  Of a sense of honor that was hard to live up to.

Memories of a somewhat failed life. Memories of some achievements.

We'll see how it goes, Mom.


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