Rant Dead Ahead, Hard to Starboard!

what's on my mind? RANT ahead

Depressed. MRI shows disintegration of the disks, which I expected. It also shows I have arthritis in the spine which shouldn't' be surprising but I hadn't thought about it. 

some health issues I have I believe is directly related to the disks pressing on the nerves. PA wanted to send me to a different clinic and not Ortho. That doesn't make sense. My spine is worse, refer me to Ortho.

I was having trouble with my neck and shoulder for years, now the pinky finger and left side of the hand is numb. "No, it's not related to my fall, the fall aggravated it. It was already there," I said.

"Well, you're on codeine and flexerill and you can't take NSAIDS drugs, that's the best we can do."

"What about PT? Cortizone shot, aqua therapy?" I ask

:: blank look ::

"Let's let the neck and shoulder heal first."

"What advice do I get for what the limitations are for the shoulder?" I ask.


"Do i immobilize the arm? Do i just restrict how much I can lift?"

"Hmmm, yes. Let type this...... talking and typing is stressful, I can't do this," mutter mutter = (translation - shut up and don't answer the question while I'm typing your answer)

Then I pretty much had to prove my back issues are crippling. "Can you walk across the floor for me? Can you do it without the cane? take off your shoes and socks, close your eyes and tell me when I'm touching your foot and leg. Raise your legs, don't let me push them down....Okay, seems to be some numbness on the left side..."

At this point a few obscenities were running through my head. It's been that way since 1993!

So, I'll wait for a consult with Ortho and see if surgery could possibly help. If not it appears that my life would become even more restricted and I'm darn near a hermit now.

I stepped out in the waiting room and Jackie asked what was up.

"You know what they used to tell me?"

"Learn to live with it?" she asked, her voice raising slightly.


I can't repeat her response.

<sigh> end of rant


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