Insights into the VA

Words of Wisdom when dealing with the VA: 1) never assume the VA will send over/FAX/Mail or carrier pigeon a copy of your records/MRI film/X-rays/lab results to the outside doctor they sent you to.

2) never assume the outside doctor they send you to is the right kind of doctor for your problem. For example, let's need to see a specialist for a spinal problem and the VA can't fit you in timely. They send you outside to a specialist (after you wait a couple of months for your MRI and X-ray tests). You get to the office of your new doctor and discover they know nothing about you except you have an appt. - no MRI or x-rays, no history, no medical records.  Right.  You fill out all the appropriate forms and have x-rays done (if their office does that) and go over the history with your new doctor.

Your new doctor is likely to be upset at this point. He has no MRI to consult, only the x-rays and you're describing problems with your disks. He's upset because you're the 3rd patient from the VA in a 2 hr period that didn't have their MRI's sent over by the VA. 

He's also upset because even the x-rays show you really need the attention of a specialists (How have you been living like this? How much medication are you on? That's barely a base level!) -

he's also upset because he's a specialist - of joints, not spines. He doesn't do spinal surgeries. "Why did they send you here? I can't help you! Damnit! This is the 3rd one today I can't help!"

Okay, get a referal from your new doctor to go back to the VA with a request to see a spinal surgeon ASAP and hope there is some way to treat some of the issues around my.... uh, your problems.

is it okay to be a little depressed today?


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