Legal Southener!


Finally got everything together for switching over my driver's license.  Name change completed, legal papers in hand along with birth certificate, SSN card, proof of residency, $20 and court decree.

Not a problem switching my CA license for a GA one now that my name is legally my name again.

That is a HUGE stressor done away with. If they demanded one more step to show how my name became hyphenated we would have been out of luck and my CA license was due to expire at the end of January.  Hence the reason I wanted the name change legal before November, just to give us some lee-way if there was a problem.

Going through the papers in the safe turned out to be a little difficult. Your marriage and divorce decrees, medical cards and your own GA license. For some reason it hurt - once again thinking that you just can't be gone, Mom. How could it have happened so fast?

Missing you, Mama.

Oh, btw, what happened between you and James C?


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