
Showing posts from November, 2015

Missing Mom

This is a rough time of year and always will be, I think.  I remember how Mom would get depressed before Thanksgiving after we lost Grandma.  We went to the neighbors for Thanksgiving dinner and had a nice time.  It was like we were old friends and that feels really good.  Jackie and I aren't the best at making new friends since we seldom leave the house and don't do any of the traditional things to meet people. I have a migraine tonight. Not good


Time to get ready for winter, Mom. It's getting a little colder. We'll put up bubble wrap on the window, make draft dodgers on the bottom of the doors, we've got fleece blankets over the French doors.  I want to hang canvas in the craft room (your bedroom) to cut down the living space.  I've set up a computer up for my writing.  It's not connected to the internet and few programs at this point = few distractions.  Its a way to get myself to focus on the writing.  I need to treat this as more of a job (one that I love and dislike sometimes).  I am a writer. I'm behind schedule for my November writing, darn it! I thought it would be a simple project to hang the canvas. We're using one that already has the top slip for a curtain rod. Plan: tack up the canvas, settle into my den and write. Day 1: Jackie on a step stool putting the canvas up with push pins. Outcome: Hmmm, no go. The tacks won't hold for long, especially if I'm pulling it aside ...

Reboot - Plan Day 1

We went off the plan because of availability of food (i.e. we paid the entire year of property taxes and relied on what we had on hand in the freezer and pantry before we had gone on The Plan). We went off the plan and we have paid for it. Jackie and I are hurting really badly after 2 week of being off and there's really no physical reason why my pain should be higher other than change of weather/colder temps.  We also had a bit more energy before. So, we're going back on the Plan.  This morning I had rice for breakfast, lunch will be salad and broccoli soup with salad.  Tonight will be chicken and salad or pollock and salad. Gotta start feeling better again.

Fuzz Bot

My cat Fuzz Bot loves me the way she shows me how much she loves me can be a bit....biting