Time to get ready for winter, Mom. It's getting a little colder. We'll put up bubble wrap on the window, make draft dodgers on the bottom of the doors, we've got fleece blankets over the French doors. I want to hang canvas in the craft room (your bedroom) to cut down the living space. I've set up a computer up for my writing. It's not connected to the internet and few programs at this point = few distractions. Its a way to get myself to focus on the writing. I need to treat this as more of a job (one that I love and dislike sometimes). I am a writer. I'm behind schedule for my November writing, darn it! I thought it would be a simple project to hang the canvas. We're using one that already has the top slip for a curtain rod. Plan: tack up the canvas, settle into my den and write. Day 1: Jackie on a step stool putting the canvas up with push pins. Outcome: Hmmm, no go. The tacks won't hold for long, especially if I'm pulling it aside ...