From Generation to Generation

L-rd, Mama;

I don't even know where to begin.  I definitely think Jackie and I take after you, we've offered what we can without hesitation to friends and family. Bertski was stunned when he told us about troubles in his relationship and that he wanted out and we offered the craft room. 

Family history has been pretty mucked up, Mom.

Your grandfather was abusive to grandma and treated her like hell, like a work horse.  Grandma was controlling and clinging.  Telling Uncle George that he couldn't take the pickup without her on a date, really?  Moving to Kansas when George got married and moved away.  Moving to California after George did. 

Uncle George then carried it on with David. I remember you talking him out of moving to Germany to be near David and Serena.  You almost didn't manage that one! 

How many times did Grandma threaten to take the car from you because her name was on the title? I remember when you had finally had it and threw the keys on the table and told her to drive it herself.  Or threaten to leave the condo to Uncle George if you didn't do what she wanted which included controlling your money? That one required a few slammed cabinet doors, storming out of the condo and disappearing for a few hours before things calmed down and the threat was ignored by both of you, like it never happened.

You'd get ready to go to a school dance and Grandma would get very sick and you'd have to stay home.  After the dance started Grandma would suddenly feel better and want to go to a movie with you. 

Our relationship could be too clinging and dysfunctional at times, we both knew that.  I also grew up with an open door policy - all our friends knew that if they were in trouble they could come to our place.  Chuck really didn't know how many kids he'd find in the house when he came home off the truck.  The first time you and me met Lee and you and Chuck saw his living conditions....I saw the look pass between you and knew Lee would be coming to live with us.  Having David stay with us for long periods of time was pretty common. 

He can't see that he and Nick are pretty similar growing up.  "No we aren't!"

"Yes, you are! Dude, I grew up with you!"

And Serena would smile because she could see it too.

How many people did you take in for the holidays over the years, Mom? Guys from the bar that had no family or were away from home. Angie and Cindy became family very quickly.  All our friends that were rejected by their parents and tossed out into the emotional cold found a parent that accepted them without conditions.  Jeff still calls you Mom.

Hell, even when we got here it continued.  Chris still misses you very badly. 

I think I like landing on that side of the gene pool, Mom.

Thank you.

Hope you think we're doing what you'd have done if you were here.

Miss you more than I can say.


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