Pain of being a writer

hey Mom;

Not even talking about the torment of trying to write and having characters remain silent or when I can't even pull a decent plot line together.  The real recent frustrations are over the tendonitis in my arms/elbow and the realization that the ridges in the palm of my hand that are bruised deeply and hurt a bit are probably because of carpal tunnel.  Something I was hoping to avoid despite the decades of power typing.  <sigh>  So, I bought a good, solid wrist and forearm brace and I'm going to work more with voice recognition.

It's spring here and wishing you were here to see everything in bloom, Mom (without the allergies, of course!).  Nick is doing well with getting ready for the military.  Scoring higher than Chris and being singled out as a leader and being singled out for advanced testing has been good for his self esteem.  Working hard and getting noticed in his two jobs also helps.  He also might have an occasional gig singing and playing guitar at a coffee house. Also an ego stroke he's needed. 

We're going to miss the kid when he leaves.


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