
Showing posts from October, 2017

Update on the Ow

My foot and two smallest toes are blue with some purples.  Some pain but nowhere near like it was Friday.  It's been annoying - oh well, could have been worse

Ow ow ow

Jackie jumped in to help with the sweeping and mopping this morning. I did the kitchen, dining room, hallway and cleaned and mopped the bathroom. While she did some mopping I set about feeding the cats their small bit of canned food they get every morning.  House slippers + slick press on tiles =  ow ow ow.  I twisted to keep from hitting my elbow – the same arm/elbow I’ve broken 3x in my life already.   I landed hard on my leg, knee and twisted my foot.   Ow – the knee is slightly upset with me and my foot is WAY unhappy.   I don’t know if I broke the foot or not, the toes are angry but they move.   So, I’m hobbling around the house with a throbbing foot.   Joy

Gym Work, Insanity, Death

Kinda down, Ma.  Losing Harry Dean Stanton wasn't really a surprise. The guy that created the Rockford Files, A-Team, Baretta, etc. Hugh Hefner, Monty Hall........ and Tom Petty.  That last one was a shock.  Age 66. On top of that there was a female police officer killed here in Georgia and then 59 people killed at a concert in Las Vegas with 500 injured.  A gunman with an illegally altered weapon sprayed the crowd from a room high up.  The perfect perch. Isis claimed him which is highly unlikely but the fact that Antifa claimed him as one of theirs might be true.  Was he a leftist nutjob?  The last shooting that made headlines was a leftist nutjob that opened up on Republicans at a baseball field. And the Democrats and IDIOTIC "gun control" advocates want to take our guns.  How the hell does taking away my legally purchased weapon lower the crime rate?  Fuck that added: we're adapting to going to the gym fairly regularly.  Jacki...