Gym Work, Insanity, Death

Kinda down, Ma.  Losing Harry Dean Stanton wasn't really a surprise. The guy that created the Rockford Files, A-Team, Baretta, etc. Hugh Hefner, Monty Hall........ and Tom Petty.  That last one was a shock.  Age 66.

On top of that there was a female police officer killed here in Georgia and then 59 people killed at a concert in Las Vegas with 500 injured.  A gunman with an illegally altered weapon sprayed the crowd from a room high up.  The perfect perch.

Isis claimed him which is highly unlikely but the fact that Antifa claimed him as one of theirs might be true.  Was he a leftist nutjob?  The last shooting that made headlines was a leftist nutjob that opened up on Republicans at a baseball field.

And the Democrats and IDIOTIC "gun control" advocates want to take our guns.  How the hell does taking away my legally purchased weapon lower the crime rate?  Fuck that

added: we're adapting to going to the gym fairly regularly.  Jackie's fibro/RA has slowed her progress and the back problems, problems with my hands and carpal tunnel slow me down.  I'm working on an incline bike and doing a cardio circuit.  I have to go really light with the tension on several of the machines and skip one totally because of how easy it is to strain my shoulder/neck muscles.

G-d, I miss you, Mom.

We're doing better with fall this year.  For the last few years we've dreaded fall and the holiday season.  We've bought a few items for Halloween.  I doubt we'll do a Thanksgiving dinner - may go out for that.  Hanukkah isn't a big deal in Judaism and I light the candles every year.  Jackie doesn't do much for Yule except help decorate and exchange gifts.  Having Nick here last year helped make the Christmas time nice.  We're not sure if he'll get enough time off from school to come up for a day or so.  We'll keep our fingers crossed. 

He's doing really well in school, Mom, you would beaming with pride. 


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