Update 11/10/2020

Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps - Semper Fi! Hey Mom, I know, it's been awhile. We're doing okay on this end. The usual dealing with the aching muscles and bones from arthritis and the EHD (whatever its called) and the strained muscles. We're trying to keep up with the house, we've got a few big projects we need to get done (as usual). The list of "TO DO" never gets shorter - LOL. Something that is helping is that we bought a floor scrubber by Hoover. Boy does it help! It gets the floors cleaner than the Swifter and they stay cleaner longer. It takes longer but I don't have to scrub as hard with my feet and I'm not two steps behind on keeping up with the floors. God, we miss you, Mom. It gets harder this time of year. The leaves have turned and there's been a couple of days with the temps in the low 60s. Of course we're in the mid to high 70s this week. It's Georgia. We've got your...