Update 11/10/2020

 Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps - Semper Fi!

Hey Mom, 

I know, it's been awhile.  We're doing okay on this end.  The usual dealing with the aching muscles and bones from arthritis and the EHD (whatever its called) and the strained muscles.  We're trying to keep up with the house, we've got a few big projects we need to get done (as usual).  The list of "TO DO" never gets shorter - LOL.  Something that is helping is that we bought a floor scrubber by Hoover.  Boy does it help!  It gets the floors cleaner than the Swifter and they stay cleaner longer.  It takes longer but I don't have to scrub as hard with my feet and I'm not two steps behind on keeping up with the floors. 

God, we miss you, Mom. It gets harder this time of year. 

The leaves have turned and there's been a couple of days with the temps in the low 60s.  Of course we're in the mid to high 70s this week.  It's Georgia. 

We've got your Ali plaque up for sale, Mom.  I know it was one of your treasured items but its not a focus of Jackie, Nick or me.  It hasn't sold yet, though.  We're also planning on going through the turtles.  I've got one set of shelves cleared.  I look up the turtle on Amazon and Ebay, see if I can find one and if it might be possible to sell it.  If not we'll donate it.  The special ones we're keeping, of course.  It's been years and we're still finding turtles, Mom!  Our eyes still seek out turtles everywhere we go.  We spot a turtle and say: "Mom." - kinda like seeing some material and saying: "Grandma dresses" or "Chuck shirts". 

We've lost Tom and Greg from the heathen community this year and Harrison from the Marine Corps League.  It all hurts, Mom.  

Good news is that Nick got his first choice of duty station for his next posting: Georgia.  He thought about putting in for Hawaii but he's a little homesick and wants to focus on establishing his computer programming business while still in the Navy and Atlanta is the equivalent of Silicone Valley in CA.  We are beyond happy with having him a bit closer!  With the lockdown we didn't get a chance to visit him in Virginia and go sight-seeing.  

He'll get to come home for awhile so we'll get to spend some time with him and his two "kids" - the two cats.   We keep his room closed off from our cats so having his here won't be a major deal. After he broke up with Darianne we went and met him and picked up the single cat he had at the time and took care of her until he got his apartment.  

On the craft side of things: I'm going to do a quilt for Jackie, Ma.  You couldn't so I'm going to give it a try.  I'm going to do panels like you were doing for Marie's quilt.  We've got the pattern and material.  I just need to cut the material and start piecing it.  Then I'll try one for Nick.  Hand done only, of course.

I'm also focusing on embroidery, wood burning and my writing.  I need to work up a new jacket with the Eagle, Globe & Anchor - since I've lost the weight my favorite military oriented jacket is too big, it looks like I'm wearing my father or big brother's jacket. LOL

I've got a short story I write awhile back.  I recently went through and read some of my stuff and that one stuck out.  I think I can turn this into an entire novel.  Yay! Inspiration other than BTVS or Dark Shadows!

I've got some new psych counselors that are going to try and help me with the low self esteem/self confidence, autistic stuff and the distorted thinking that holds me back and has all my life.  We'll see how that goes.  

Well, off to do.....something.  Love you, Mom.  We miss you.


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