
Showing posts from August, 2013


Hey Mama; Jackie's disability came through. Now we just have to wait for the back money to come in.  We're going to see about a new roof for the house and a car.  Trying to get around on bicycles has been really rough.  It's a 4 mile round trip to Kroger or Walmart.  Never thought I could make that but we've managed, sorta.  Of course, one trip to Kroger and we were laid out for the next two days.  There is definitely a lot of reasons by we get those small checks every month. Wish you were here, Mama. We'd take you out for steak after we get a car.

Hi ho.....whatever

Ma; you wouldn't believe today.  Here's a recap (more details tomorrow) Probably heading off very early - started out on our bikes (okay, hills are tough, my mountain bike isn't light).  Stopped at a mini mart and then a bank. Got to sit there for about 10 minutes. Then a stop at Home Depot to buy a wrench - my brakes were sticking. Then to Kroger - up and down hills and through parking lots. Got some essentials (nothing cold) and worked our way to a JoAnn's.  Shopped a little (no black or white beads darn it). Then to a bookstore. No books I wanted (yes, I was tired by then). I'm beyond pain by this point.  I had a case of cat food cans in my backpack in addition to a few other things, probably around 15-20 pounds.  Had to walk the bikes up a sloping hill to the mini mart. My leg giving out more and more. Finally onto our road and downhill from the school and then up our sloping driveway. I was in agony at this point. btw: the trip to Krog...

Hi Ho Silver (actually Purple & Blue/Green!)

Okay, we don't have pictures but the fact we have a quart of milk and loaf of bread proves Jackie and I just rode to the mini mart and back - about 1/2 mile round trip. In the rain (it wasn't raining when we started!). We have small hills and inclines but also some nice bike paths in most parts. Jackie has a street 18 speed Trek bicycle and I have a cheap little mountain bicycle = both used. T his was our first venture on the things and we didn't do too bad. Had to walk the bikes up one incline. After 35 years of not being on a bike, not too bad but we definitely couldn't make it to Kroger and back. Oh, the reason for the bike ride? The tank (a.k.a. the Bronco) is losing oil pressure because of the gasket at the valves. Now we need to get in contact with a mechanic recommended by our handyman/best friend, arrange to get the tank to the mechanic and a ride home and then wait. We're opting to get the tank fixed for now. We can't look for ...

zombie tank

Hey Ma; we figured the starter solenoid was going out because of the problem we had getting home Thursday and having to get a jump start at Wal-Mart Saturday, or was that Friday?  Once we got the jump start we got the tank home and quickly disconnected the battery so whatever wiring is screwed up didn't drain the battery. After Thursday with the relief and then MEGA stress getting home, I was wiped out for a couple of days and physically sick.  Still sick yesterday. Not sure its because I'm having trouble sleeping and we did a lot of physical work last week or I caught a stupid bug - body aches, headache, neck ache, sore throat, upset stomach, etc.  I just couldn't get to O'Riley's to get a new solenoid.  We decided we really needed to get that done today and I talked with them at the shop while Jackie sat in the running car - we were afraid to turn the car off.  The clerk said that it was likely the wiring, especially after driving through the downpour an...

Great Day/Horrible Day = same day

Ma; looks like Jackie's situation is going to turn around.  It may take 2-3 months to get official word but her lawyer says its a lock - the vocational rehab person said there's no job to train her for. That went beyond well.  We had gotten to Atlanta early enough to find the place, get parked and get something to eat.  We found the office and got something to eat and went into the office.  While waiting my stomach went straight to hell.  By the time Jackie went in for the appointment I was nearly doubled over. The acid has returned to the back of my throat and the stomach is hurting like it did before they put me on the meds.  Gotta check when my followup is scheduled for. So, the meeting went well and we got a soda and headed out - we weren't up for the mall.  Neither of us have been sleeping well the last week and Jackie hadn't taken meds so she could be totally coherent and uncomfortable instead of having the meds mask the real pain. We got...

birthday gift

Hey Ma - the pictures I took of the pillow case Lynn sent didn't turn out.  I'll try again tomorrow.  You two had such an amazing friendship, it was amazing at times.  We'll mail her package out this week (now that it's after the 3rd of the month) Missing you terribly, Mom.

Shabbat Shalom Y'all


Scratch, scratch, scratch

Ma,   I ever tell you my idea for a short story? A giant mutant spider crawling out the bathroom floor vent and woman has to battle said creature naked?  Was up late last night,  logged off, shut everything down. Weird noises with the cats. Had to give Dru a pill (loads of fun).  Check everyone else, try not to stumble over dishes, boxes and frying pans in the floor.         2:45 a.m. one last trip to the bathroom. sitting there and hear: scritch, scratch, scratch, scritch      what the hell?  Thankfully, it wasn't a spider.  I think I would have had a heart attack. It was a huge a** waterbug that looks like a giant roach       silver duct work material - he was climbing up through the duct work, probably escaping the kitchen (where we are spraying and cleaning)      I WAS FREAKED.  I'm sitting there with my pants down and something is scratching at...