Long Day = Success

  We left the house on bicycles to a nearby credit union. They would put a 9 day hold on a check and not sure they'd open an account for Jackie, please try Regions.  Okay, ride the bikes up to the UHaul rental place (2 miles from home) and get a pickup. We put the bikes in the back and drive to Walmart.  The amount of the check is too big for Walmart to cash or put on the prepaid card.

Drive to Regions.
    No problem - open an account and get starter checks, the ATM card and printed checks will be sent out. We were told there would be no problem buying a car today.
   we then drive to Honda (no food yet) There was Jackie's car on the showroom floor with her name on it.  Midnight plum, 2013 Honda Fit.  Awesome - fill out the paperwork which takes HOURS.  Wait, a starter check? No printed check? Let me check.  No, need a cashier's check instead.
    Okay, drive to bank nearby. Oh, wait, there's a hold on the check which might be 24-48 hours. 

by this point we're both hurting and are now stressed beyond anything.  I have appointments at the VA tomorrow. We can wait to get to the bank and make my appointments. We can't get to a bank timely after my appointments. Argh!  Okay, we'll try and get the cashier's check on the way into Atlanta and pick up the car on the way back. 
    Go back to car lot, tell them to hold the car for a few days if we can't squeeze in the bank tomorrow.
   oh hey, no problem - we'll call it a loaner, give us the counter check, bring a cashier's check within 10 days and we'll exchange checks

    btw: neither of us have eaten yet and that's 3:45pm but Jackie has her car.

We drive home to drop the bikes off and then go back to the UHaul place and turn in the pickup.  We then drove around the corner and got a hamburger at a Waffle House.  Beef!!! Beef with chili!  

We felt a little better and went over to Sam's club to check out prices on items but everything caught up with me and I was nearly in tears by the time we got out of there.  We came home, tended to the animals and took meds (and a hot bath).  

We have a brand new car with no car payments.  Awesome.

the car looks black but it's really "midnight plum"

Next we pay Jackie's back bills, set some aside for the roof and a little spending money (books!!!!)


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