Release the Hounds!

One of the Facebook pages I watch is a tribute page to Peter Cushing, one of my favorite actors since I was 9 yrs old.  It reminded me of a favorite story from you, Mom.

gather round guys:  "The day my mother told my father she was pregnant with me they went to a drive in movie in KY.  Hound of the Baskervilles was playing.  Unknown to Mom there was a resident dog at the drive in that would go around scarfing up the inedible hamburgers, hot dogs and cardboard pizzas......

A big dog - a Great Dane. 

The timing was perfect, I'm told. When the Hound on the screen attacked the Great Dane leaned his head in Mom's window and muffed at her.

My father ended up on his tailbone sitting outside the car and Mom was standing over him trying to calm her racing heart, his ears ringing from her scream. She had somehow gotten out over him and under the steering wheel, knocking him out of the car. 

He couldn't get off the asphalt for several minutes because he was laughing so hard.  Word spread quickly and she was the rage of the drive-in.

Fast forward to my fifth grade year. One of the books available for a large book report assignment was Hound of the Baskervilles.  I chose that one without knowing the story of the drive-in.  I was already a Chris Lee and Peter Cushing fan, again without knowing the story.  I became a Sherlock Holmes fan.  I can also throw in that I'm terrified of spiders - without knowing the story or movie.

Mom always swore that she "marked" me in her womb that night!


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