June Cleaver?

Hey Mom;

It was a long night last night.  Tornadoes all through the South, quite a few fatalities and numerous buildings that now look like matchsticks.  We didn't have a lot of damage here in our county, thank Gd. I'll admit I'm tired tonight.  Every time I'd start to fall asleep thunder would rattle the house and then people called this morning checking on us.

We've another round of rain and wind tonight but probably lower chances of tornado alerts, yay.

I've been doing better lately, Ma.  I finished the really indepth counseling and my doc thinks I did some really, really good work and I'm continuing to move forward.  She wanted me to try something: instead of letting the word SHOULD into my vocabulary, to try twisting that into something like: "I WANT to....."

I took it to heart, Mom, and it's been very surprising, really surprising. I've been getting a lot more done - from yard work to cleaning.  I've really been working on waking up and saying: "Okay, what do I want to do today?"

It doesn't mean that I'm not getting things done that have to be done.  The necessary stuff is getting done, I'm just not beating myself up with "I SHOULD be doing.... I SHOULD get xXXXxx done."  I've been keeping up the cleaning and slowly working into the stuff that's been neglected all winter.  We haven't hit the craft room yet but we will.  I'm trying to keep stuff clean once it gets there.  So, almost daily sweeping and mopping.

The screwy weather has made Jackie's RA/Fibro worse which means I'm doing more and it's a little hard sometimes.  I'm finding that I want to get things clean. I want to actually cook.  Sometimes I don't have the energy to do the cooking at night though and that bums me out a bit.

One thing that is a little surprising: I've taken up gardening.  More than just remembering to water your Crete Myrtle and weed around it. The last couple of weeks I guess Spring has hit here. I want color. More than just the roses and Crete myrtle. You saw the vertical planter I did from an old pallet that's holding some flowers.  I picked up a couple more that I need to get into the ground, including a catnip.

Okay, that's not a color, but its something that'll actually be fun for the cats.  I got some weed whacking done, got the small space between the retaining wall and pavers mowed.  Got a lot more to do but I'm actually enjoying it. 

I'm also going through all those frickin' recipes I've collected over the years and finding new recipes to try.  Some hits, some misses. Tonight was a recipe we've done before - chicken paprika in the slow cooker.  Nice, hearty and wonderful.

So - I'm cleaning, I'm gardening, I'm cooking.

Where's those darn pearls, Ma? I do refuse to vacuum in pearls though.  Gotta draw the line somewhere.


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