Holly & Bitty Blake

Hey Mom;

We've been busy with the garden (I've been busy with the garden and plants).  It's hard work but I've got flowers, strawberries, spinach and some basil growing and I think the two dogwood trees and weeping Willow are going to take.

We'll probably do the memorial stones to you and Marie this week, Ma.

I can't even describe how badly I miss you almost everyday. 

It also hurts that we haven't seen Holly for almost two weeks.  He never would miss a meal of the canned food and one morning he wasn't there.  His appetite had been healthy but his allergies were really giving him fits. The raccoon haven't been aggressive this year and there's no large dogs that roam close to us except the hound dog next door and he's afraid of his own shadow.

We think Holly went for one last walk into the woods to go to sleep.  Dusty tried to do the same when he got so very sick but I found him.

Then Blake went missing.  We think someone visiting Frank or his sister next door saw Blake and took her.  She was such a beautiful tabby cat and so laid back.  It hurt so bad, Mom.

Fuzz Bot was out of sorts for days and still keeps looking for Blake, they were so close.

The Handsome Stranger that had started coming around before you left has adopted us.  I don't think he lives next door, I think he steals food from next door.  I've gotten to where I can pet him with him hissing at me but giving me head butts at the same

time.  Its as if he doesn't know how to respond to love but he's getting better at accepting and not trying to rip my hands apart every time (most of the time it's half-hearted soft paws).

I've got several kinds of flowers and a couple unusual ones.  Wish you were here to see them but I know you're with us, Mom.

Miss you - I just had a LOVE session with Fuzz Bot - total tongue kitty!  She bonded with me after you left.  She helped me during the intense grieving stage.  She was going to bond with me whether I wanted it or not! LOL

Love you Mom


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