Aftermath of mayhem

Hey Ma;

Got to see Alice Cooper again last night along with Motley Crue (they were headlining, it should have been Alice but it was their farewell tour so, it was cool)

It helped with the depression yesterday. Today I'm crashing a little.... okay, a lot.  I know some of that is because rock concerts are exhausting, we give back almost as much energy as those on the stage are putting out.

No voice, ears are ringing, my neck is sore and my body is stiff - and we were on the lawn this time!  Killer sound system, even way up in the back my chest was vibrating from the music.

A young "family" woman/girl next to us spotted my vest and top hat and asked if I was major into Alice.  Jackie laughed.  The girl was more into Alice than Crue and we rocked heavy! Another woman slightly behind us leaned forward and said she could tell I was listening to every beat, every note and every movement and she appreciated that, she is mega into Bon Jovi and is the same way.

It was hard on the body but it was worth it.

The photo of Alice with the sword and "money" is from another show but we got to see this too


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