I got up early yesterday to get some things done before Jackie's appointment at the clinic only to find the appt was canceled. Okay - go back to bed, wallow in my depression, or try to move around it. I decided to move around it. It doesn't happen often with depression, it's usually something you can't just go around, especially if its originating in the PTSD, I've found. I was determined to try, however. I did a haircut, took a long shower, did the dishes, swept, did laundry and worked on projects on my computer. Most importantly I called the VA to reschedule (left a message), called Best Buy and made a payment there, checked the other bills to ensure things had posted and made the stressful calls I needed to. I was a bit pleased with myself that I didn't whine and let the phone calls and missed MRI bring me down. Today I woke up really early to the VA calling and trying to arrange a new appt. for the MRI and set up sedation. Mid-April but that wi...