
I  got up early yesterday to get some things done before Jackie's appointment at the clinic only to find the appt was canceled. Okay - go back to bed, wallow in my depression, or try to move around it.

I decided to move around it.  It doesn't happen often with depression, it's usually something you can't just go around, especially if its originating in the PTSD, I've found.  I was determined to try, however.

I did a haircut, took a long shower, did the dishes, swept, did laundry and worked on projects on my computer.

Most importantly I called the VA to reschedule (left a message), called Best Buy and made a payment there, checked the other bills to ensure things had posted and made the stressful calls I needed to.

I was a bit pleased with myself that I didn't whine and let the phone calls and missed MRI bring me down.

Today I woke up really early to the VA calling and trying to arrange a new appt. for the MRI and set up sedation.  Mid-April but that will have to do. 

Because I did work around the house so I was having trouble with the incontinence all day.  Staying close to the bathroom for an hour or more kept me at the back of the house so Jackie and I began going through the closet in the craft room.  She tried on some of her clothes that were hanging there, I tried on my good clothes (have to thank Lynn again for the skirts that let me dress up for synagogue) and we tried on various things of Mom's.  We moved the MCL uniforms and talberds and cloaks down to one end.  Mom had a wide range of sizes, from 10 to 3XL.  A couple of the items were hard to pass along - they were so....Mom.  I kept most of the purple shirts, especially the Grub Gulch Gal t-shirt with her name on it. 

I've been thinking of maybe checking out some Red Hat groups around here, maybe meet some people.

I sewed Jackie's new patch on her USMC jacket and that seemed to take all day.  I'm being careful with the sewing to keep from catching the lining with the needle and thread.  I got hit with a 'YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!!!!! bit and laid down for an hour so I woke up groggy and today feels a bit weird but okay.

We went down to the mailbox and Jackie took pictures of the flowers coming up by the box and we saw Karen and Tommy outside so I walked over through the brush and hung out with them for probably an hour.  Definitely can't hurt being friendly with the neighbors - especially with her birthday being the same as mine. LOL

Missing you, Mom, but we've got a lot of work to do in there and it won't be your room any more.  That hurts a lot but that's got to be the way it is.  I REALLY don't know what I'm going to do with your red hats. Most of them won't fit me.  Ugh. 

Love you, Mom.


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