VA appointment today

Hey Mom;

Doctor thinks the spots I had questions about were okay but froze them for my peace of mind since I grew up in California.  I had problems at the hospital again <sigh> had to clean up - blah

 we were early so we stopped in kroger to pick up matzvot. I figured they'd have a stock since Passover is next month. Surprise - their Pesach section is up and running and they had the lamb bones. I got a couple of small bottles of juice, one large bottle and a bottle of blackberry manshevitz (sp?) to make haroset.  Threw the bone in the freezer. Score!

we were heading into Atlanta and I got hit. Grabbed a pad of paper and pen and began writing frantically.

there's a National November Writing Month challenge in April - maybe I'll do a collection of short stories

Miss you, Mama. Dogwoods are starting to bloom, reminds us of you, of course.


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