Adjusting (Not well)

It amazes me how much I miss you, Mama.  We don't ever really get over a loss like this.  We do the same thing you did after losing Grandma - seeing a bolt of material, smiling a sad smile and say "Mom" and Jackie knows exactly what I mean.

Adjusting to the hand and forearms being sketchy is difficult.  Knowing my hand isn't going to get better really sucks.  Everything I do involves my hand.  I've really got to get into Dragon and treat it like a school course or something.  I know you can use voice recognition to give commands to the computer beyond just the typing.

I ordered a left-handed shell for my pistol (already have the base holster).  I got a call last night that the left won't fit my holster base.  I had sent back the first one as it being too small for my Kimber.  The guy said that since switching from being right handed to left handed wasn't my choice and is a medical thing he gave me a deal on the entire holster for left handed.  Most awesome!  There are good people and companies in the world.

There's fire at Sugar Pine, Mom.  Sierra Star said some old equipment was burned and Chaplain and Nancy said that it's heading up the road towards Nelder Grove.  There's wildfires in the south and north, major fires in Montana and flooding on the level of Katrina in Texas. 

Love you, Mom


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