Pesach/Passover 5775

Hey Mom;

Got most of the cleaning done but there's a lot more left if we count in the craft room, garage and yard work.  We'll start that probably Monday or so.  I didn't handscrub the living and family rooms but that has to be okay, you know?  I overdid a lot on the other rooms but I was pretty much ready for Pesach when sundown hit. 

I made paparika chicken in the slow cooker and you know how much Jackie loves that!

A bit tired today so I'm actually going to rest on Shabbat - shock, I know.

We've started going through some of your stuff, Ma. I found your journal from when you were with Uncle George in Texas.  I haven't read through it yet. We've gone through your dress up clothes, books, cds (keeping the Rod Stewart and Johnny Cash, of course).  Next is all the papers, pictures and then the turtles. I debate with myself about keeping all of them and taking over your collection, my eyes can spot a turtle from across a crowded store, but turtles aren't my thing except being on a continual look-out for new turtles for you.  We're going to keep some, others we'll sell and the ones that are really common we'll donate.  We have to do that, Mom. I think Jackie is fine with me starting to really go through stuff. We've both been wanting to try and move past the overwhelming grief its just that there's so much stuff!

I heard from Dev in SF and the news isn't good. She's having surgery next week, they've found precancerous cells in her ovaries and last week's mammogram came back with potential problems. If there are cancerous or precancerous cells in both the ovaries and the breasts that would probably mean it's throughout the system, yes?  I can tell she's scared as hell.  They were so good to us and she helped me a lot in bringing out the writer in me to go public, because of her I stood in front over 200 people and received applause and kuddos for my writing, Mom.  I don't know how to help her other than just be here, you know?  On top of that it's continual stress for the last 2 years for her with family stuff. Her mom is further down the road in her dementia and lives in Illinois. She won't go into a care facility and doesn't like anyone coming in everyday to ensure she's eating and taking her insulin shots. It's driving Dev nuts. 

Donna, Stewart, Karen, Bea, Izzy, you, Dio, so many, Mom. So many


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