Heat + storms = muggy

We've been working around the house and some in the yard, Ma.  I think you'd like how the yard is turning out.  The black mulch looks good against the light yellow house and oranges of the marigolds and greens of the myrtle and squash. 

Inside Jackie started repainting the cabinets like we talked about before losing you and I recaulked the bathroom today.  It's supposed to rain for the next 5 days - joy.  We'll never get the back lawn mowed!

Missing you, Mom, as always.  We're going to miss Nick terribly, I think. He's working at getting in prime shape, focusing on his running and swimming especially. 

I'm hoping we can figure out how to manage to get the retaining wall built in front of the retaining wall that isn't retaining so well before he leaves.

Mom, you'd be surprised at how BIG Fuzz-bot has gotten! 15 lbs of short-hair, Siamese attitude!  My blue-eyed demon.  There are times when I get very tired, Mom, especially with the arms and hands hurting so badly. If I can't write...........

the cats, Jackie, Steph and Nick keep me here, Mom.  I get down and the "kids" do something that is just delightful or frustrating, both reminding us how much we need them and they need us.

I'm missing Nyx


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