Just missing Mama and going to miss Nick

Hey Mama,

Was just hoping last night that you and Marie are pleased we got Marie's quilt finished and the tumbler quilt you were working.  Not quite what either of you had pictured but we worked with what we had and had to work around some problems.

Really missing you.  I think you'd like what we've got planned for the yard.  Nick began making the fire pit and we've planted the trees we got from the Arbor Foundation last year.  A couple didn't make it through the winter even though we pulled them in onto the back porch.  I was disappointed the black walnut didn't thrive but we've got maples, red buds, crape myrtles and dogwoods in addition to being surrounded by maples, pines, dogwoods and mimosas.

We are seriously going to miss having Nick here.  With him working so hard we didn't find time or energy to really take him all over the state and beyond but he knows this is home and knows something of a future awaits here if anything happens to us.  He is slowly turning into his own man and standing up for himself and trying to keep an "eye on the prize" as it were.  He's got one month to really tone the body and prepare for boot camp.  The shape he's in now, he'd have no trouble with boot camp but he wants to push a little further and take some advance physical training stuff.  He's being firm with friends that want him to just hang around and drink that he's not having that - that's not his focus.  They can't quite grasp that as they sit in their parent's basements drinking and smoking and working just enough to pay a few bills and buy alcohol.  They don't get that they shouldn't have the mind set of "what's the stress? We can always live at Mom and Dad's place! Chill and just party!"

He's signed up for six years and they can't figure where they'll be in one year.  They seem to think that he'll get through basic and schooling and then.....spend summers at home like he's gone off to college or something!

Took him to see Alice Cooper last week.  It was amazing, Mom!  It was something on the bucket list, you know? I told him he'll never see another concert like it until he sees Alice again.  We waited out by the buses afterwards and got to meet Chuck, Ryan and Nita.  All were amazing and friendly.  They are also amazing musicians and Nick even got a selfie with Nita!  Nick was surprised I managed to drive there, stand for the entire concert and then drive back while he crashed on the way home.  Of course I couldn't move the next day!

Miss you, Mama.  There are times when it gets to feeling really heavy.  The pain levels, different parts of the body are now in crisis mode and it's affected my writing drastically.... I look around and feel blessed to have Jackie, Nick, Steph, the house and cats.  I'll figure a way to keep writing too.

Love you - hope you're proud of us and especially for taking Nick in and guiding him a little.


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