Mother's Day

Missing you, Mama;

I was in the dollar store Friday and they had the most adorable and tacky turtle bracelets. Tiny little turtles.  First thought is still "Mom doesn't have a turtle like that!"  Guess that'll always be the case.  We still look at some material and smile and say "Grandma" and we've added "Mom" to that, especially check material like Chuck liked you to make his shirts out of.

The house is coming along nicely.  There's SO MUCH left to do just this season.  I need to scrub the porch down and repaint the railings, put more mulch in the garden.  Weed whack around pavers and place more down, replant my plate row border, trim back down the driveway, tend to the back.... Paint the bathroom, touch up paint in my room, lay tile in my room, scrub and paint kitchen cabinets - so much

....but, it's home. We own it.  If we hadn't moved here before we lost you, Mom, Jackie and I would have both been sleeping in my car or in some run down trailer somewhere.  Thank you forever for making this happen.  We miss friends, family and the land of California but couldn't afford to live there any longer.

We had a scare the last couple of days - David ended up in the hospital after some seizures and low heart rate.  They've cut his blood pressure medicine out totally and are going to monitor his heart rate for a month and go from there.  Scary stuff, Ma.  We have crossed fingers it won't be something major.

You would be proud of Nick, Mom.  He's made some amazing progress in getting healthy and ready for the Navy.  With his higher level of computer stuff he'll be in for at least 6 years.  He scored really well, better than most.  He is still having problems with his Mom, Dad and Chris - They keep pushing for "forgiveness" without actually asking for it or admitting fault on their side other than "we did the best we could" which minimizes things.

Beautiful day and my arms hurt too badly to do any gardening (or housework).  Getting really depressed about it, Mom.  If I can't type....

love you

marigolds for Mom - just like 50 years ago


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