Meditation? Me?

Hey Ma;

I'm going to give something new a try at the VA.  My colon test came back looking fantastic. My tests are looking okay so that means either I'm developing an ulcer but it's not bleeding or I've totally psyched myself out with all the stress, grief, fear, and depression and can't eat.

My new doctor has put me on a new med for my stomach.  So far there's no improvement. I may need to go back in and get a test to see if it is an ulcer and not just a "nervous" stomach.

My counselor is very concerned that I'm not dealing with grief but that its shifted to a major depression and dealing with grief. I need to find a way to bounce out of this.  She also thinks I'm ready to tackle the PTSD now.  Hell, at this point, I'll try it.  It's controlled my life ever since I was five years old.

She asked if I would volunteer for a study at the VA - yoga/meditation for survivors/PTSD sufferers.  Non-invasive, low impact for survivors, women only.  Every Thursday night for 90 minutes.

What an interesting idea.  Me relax? Meditate? Me? Foreign concept. Okay, I'll try.

Today has been a horrible day: the microwave died, we need to get the two youngest fixed, Darcy is getting worse, the car is getting VERY tired and I'm never sure if it the darn thing will make it back from the VA and I'm thinking of going to Atlanta once a week.

Am I insane?  Why do I think anything will work?  My writing sucks right now, none of our crafts are selling and I have no energy to even cook dinner at night. Why do I think trying to meditate will help?

I'm trying to work past those thoughts. I need to find a way to eat and sleep and get out of the depression.

Had an idea tonight for the writing that might burst open the door.  I hope


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