More VA Rants
Hey, Ma;
Good news from the latest tests at the VA. The colon test came back great. I admit I was a little worried, not just about taking the test but the possible results. With the abuse issues that can lead to ulcers in the colon later in life, I was worried. It came back great. Yay!
The blood work looks good, no anemia, the liver, kidneys and such are good. My new doctor wants to check my vitamin levels because of my weight loss.
There's more, however. A bit irritating.
Good news from the latest tests at the VA. The colon test came back great. I admit I was a little worried, not just about taking the test but the possible results. With the abuse issues that can lead to ulcers in the colon later in life, I was worried. It came back great. Yay!
The blood work looks good, no anemia, the liver, kidneys and such are good. My new doctor wants to check my vitamin levels because of my weight loss.
There's more, however. A bit irritating.
The VA here is overwhelmed and it's easy to slip through the cracks. They're very good at ordering any kind of test and referral you might need but it can take 2-3 months to see your primary care doctor.
Last Feb. I finally got in to see my new doctor and she had the flu and wanted me to reschedule. I asked her to give me 5 minutes to do my med renewal (a requirement every quarter or more if you take narcotics). She wasn't happy but I got the meds renewed, let her know what meds I was on, etc. She didn't like the combination of meds I'm on but we'd talk about that next time. Fine.
End of Sept I thought I was having a heart attack, Jackie rushed me to Atlanta to the clinic and their EKG showed "low volume" heart rhythm. Go straight to emergency of the nearest hospital (VA was full), do not stop for lunch, do not go shopping, do you want us to call the paramedics? WTH? Went to the emergency room and spent the day there until around 6pm with all kinds of heart tests. The tests showed that I have no blockages, no irregular rhythms and no damage. "Are you under any stress?" Only for the last 2 years. "We think it might be a panic attack. Please follow up with your doctor this week."
Try to get in - nope, mid November was the best they could do. What? I explained the situation. Nope, mid November.
You got sick and was in the hospital when my appt came up. I went and started to ask what the doctor meant about not liking the meds I'm on, can we switch some around, find a different combination, we're working a lot harder taking care of Mom. She freaked and yelled at me that people die of overdoses of narcotics! I snapped at her and demanded that she let me finish my sentence about increased physical workload and the need to balance some of the meds out. I had four concerns I listed to her. She addressed none of them and said the EKG was probably off because of my....impressive endowments. What?
I asked for a transfer to another doctor. Got one at the main hospital but that appt wouldn't be until mid April. What the dickens? You know all that happened in the mean time with you, the speed in which it happened, the shock and grief and my stomach went haywire. I dropped 15 lbs in 2 months. When I went in to see my psych she said: "Your eyes are sunken, you're pale, you've lost weight. Are you getting any sleep, are you eating, are you getting any sun? Are you having trouble eating?"
No, no, no, yes. Try and get in sooner to see your primary - you may have a bleeding ulcer. Tried to get in sooner. Nope, mid April.
Okay, fine. I'll chomp on those chalk tablets and try not to aggravate whatever this is.
Mid April - new doctor. Hey, not too bad, we seem to click better. I had my list: skin cancer check, what was the results of my colon test, what did the bloodwork show, can you renew my meds? I don't want to argue about what I'm on, just please renew them. I discovered that my last doctor canceled my refills on the codeine - nice, eh? New doctor looked at my records and asked how long I had been on codeine, what levels, and why. Explained I've had two back surgeries in '93 and '95. I've been on the same dose of codeine all that time since. No going up in strength, no increase in taking them except before my gastric bypass because I couldn't even walk much. After the surgery and I lost some of the weight, the dose went back down.
New doctor says she'll refill my prescription but the VA wants anyone taking a narcotic to sign a contract: no drugs and driving, no abusing the dose, no losing the meds (they won't be replaced), no selling your meds, etc etc etc.
And submit to a drug test.
"Okay, not a problem," says I.
"We see a lot of problems with vets on illicit drugs, especially cocaine," she says.
"Not a problem, I can do a drug test any time but I've eaten today," says I. "Aside from what is prescribed to me for pain, cholesterol and depression I am Straight Edge."
"Yeah, I hate drugs. They destroyed my brother's life for decades."
Went in and checked my med renewals: my new doc refilled my codeine.
My former doctor FLAGGED MY CASE FILE. Can you believe that? One glance at my records shows I don't abuse my meds! Just because she got bent out of shape over having the flu she treated me badly the next appt and flagged my case that I'm abusing my meds. I'm thinking of filing a complaint with the patient advocate. The arrogant....wench not only irritated me and treated me bad, she potentially ruined my ability to get anything done at the VA.
That's my current saga with the VA.
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