Writing and VA Hassles

Hey Ma;

I signed onto a writing month with National November Writing Month website. They host a "summer camp" - like November, the goal is to write as much as possible within a month.  I've signed up before but never got anywhere.  This year, since I planned on rewriting one of my original novels, I decided to go for it and I'm actually getting pages done.  So far, even with the slight increase in the anti-depressant meds I'm writing.  Not sure if it's good writing yet, first draft stuff, but I am keeping at it.

I'm scheduled for a colonscopy Friday and I tried to find out information to prep for the test. I've got a bunch of liquid stuff to drink the day before but needed answers to whether I take my meds the night before and the morning of the test, do I change to just clear soup the day before? Stuff like that.

I called the Telephone Advice nurse at the VA and told I needed to talk to them at the GI clinic.  Okay. Transferred.  Explained my questions to whoever answered the phone.

"You need to talk to your primary care physician."

"Your clinic is the one doing the test and know what needs to be done, you were supposed to call me with this information," says I.

"You need to call your primary care physician."

"She's not a G.I. tract tech, your clinic is," says I.

"You need to talk to your primary care physician."

I gave up. You can never get through to Women's Clinic and the doctors never call you back.  With my past sexual abuse problems, I'm not looking forward to the test.

Oy humbug.


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