
We lost Kimmers, Mama. With the wet weather that infection came back. Fuzz Bot was sick but she is doing pretty good with some TLC. 

It's been raining like crazy for several days and we thought Kimmers was coming up inbetween storms to eat, the food disappeared from the railings.  Even Holly wanted inside several times.

I got up last night to feed Darcy some more canned food (we're babying her in her old age) and heard horrible wheezing.  I figured it was Holly with his allergies but he was outside. I found Kimmers on the floor of the dining room barely breathing.  On July 4th after 5pm.  We got her dry, her nose cleared and some meds down her. I went and got Robitussin cough syrup to break up the mucus and sat with her all night. 

She'd start to get better and then slip. Back n forth all night and all day. She really took a turn around 5 and the water and cough syrup were no longer helping like we were advised. 

She tried to get into my closet and only settled down when I turned off the light and called Jackie in.  We were with her, Mama. Petting and talking to her.  She fought hard but it was too much.

We'll keep a close eye on the others, Blake has a swollen gland and Fuzz Bot is still coughing a little but is doing better.

It hurts so bad, Mama. 


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