New Skills and Heartache

We're giving freezing eggs a try, Ma.  We can pick up eggs when they're on sale. Sometimes Kroger puts 4 dozen for $5 or something. If freezing works for us, we can save some money.  Same with some veggies and fruit.  I gave freezing strawberries a try.  I think they turned out okay.

I cut the strawberries in half and then sliced those.  Dipped them in a syrup of sugar water - 1 part sugar, 2 parts water and placed the strawberry bits on a paper-towel lined cookie sheet and put that in the standing freezer.  I'll put them in bags tomorrow.

For the eggs I followed instructions from the internet (go figure). Broke the eggs into a bowl, 3 at a time since that's what we usually use.  Then stirred them up to break the yokes and then poured that into an ice cube tray.  Six cubes equal three large eggs.  Once they freeze I'll put them in bags and date them. 

We can't find the dehydrator but Walmart has one that's inexpensive but powerful.  We'll probably get that before we get a canning pot with basket. 

I know no one except Steph will get this but: I think I reached the day when I find my kernel of corn.

Time to get busy living to quote Stephen King in Shawshank Redemption.

Now the downside of the day.  Jackie weedwhacked the remaining jungle part and I took over with the lawn mower.  Jackie sat down and Susu jumped up for some love.  Her claws caught your gold necklace and broke it.  The beer tab disappeared.

We spent over an hour looking.  We swept the porch with a small hand brush on hands and knees.  We looked over every inch of the porch and didn't find it.  That means it probably went over the edge into the rose garden that's filled with cut grass and clay clods.

We looked for any shining metal in the dried grass and didn't see it.


I tried to reassure Jackie it's okay.  If its gone then its now in the rose garden with some of your ashes and the head of that ceramic turtle you wanted broken when you passed.  She's still extremely depressed.  I went out a couple hours later and spent nearly an hour on hands and knees and on a stool in the blazing sun (with straw hat on). I would slowly pick up a tuft of grass, look through it and toss it aside, trying not to disturb the earth underneath.  I cleared a large portion of the garden with no sign.

I checked for rentals of metal detectors in town and couldn't find anyone that rents them out.

I'm running out of options, Mom.  Next step will be carefully removing the top inch or two of soil and going through it very carefully like an archaeological dig. 

In the early 1980s Mom was a manager of a bar in a mountain town and treated everyone fairly and was adored.  Go figure.  When she had to leave to return to Fresno to take care of Grandma, word got out that she had been let go by the owner. Everyone stopped going to the bar and he was forced to shut down (he wasn't a great manager, that helped the decline).

There was a lesbian couple that would occasionally hit the bar to play pool and Mom treated them like any other customer and ensured they weren't hassled.  The girls were grateful and gave Mom a small gold beer tab charm that Mom wore on a gold chain until that last week.  The only time she took it off was for medical procedures - x-rays and operations and for operations she had it taped to her palm while she was unconscious.

We'll try and gently look for it in the rose garden.  If we don't find it we'll figure that Mom wanted it back.

She touched so many people in a positive manner (and those that crossed her never forgot her either!)


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