Mayo Cake

Hey Mom;

Okay, we've talked about you not giving us the secret ingredient in the potato salad and the Kathy's casserole but now I've got another one:

where the hell is the recipe for the mayonnaise cake?

I thought I'd make one Saturday to honor your birthday.  I've found recipes online but haven't a clue if they'll turn out like yours. 

Hurts a lot this week, Ma.

Oh yeah, I read in a news article that Facebook has a "spam" folder that is hard to spot.  I went in and found mine and it is hard to spot - I found a message from Val and Jo, Ma.  Day after you left us.  How frickin horrible! They thought I never responded to them and I thought they never reached out.

I filled them in. Just another rough spot in the road, Mom.

I'll post pictures of my latest beadwork that I've still got on the loom (have to finish the ends off on each) and other stuff - like what the yard looks like after all the rain we've had.  I started mowing it today and Chris will try and get up tomorrow and finish it. 

Love you, Mama. We miss you.


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