
I think we'll lose Darcy this season, Mom. She's gotten extremely thin and isn't eating very much of the canned food she and Annie gets. She doesn't seem to be in pain but she's cold all the time. That one will hurt a lot.  We've had her since 1995.  Our little Halloween kitty.

the story
We had been to a Halloween party until late. I hadn't even got all my Alice Cooper makeup off and just hit the bed.  Mom was just getting to bed when she heard tires screeching outside, brake sounds and then a car rushing away.  She thought was odd and was about to dismiss it when she heard tiny little meows.

It was cold and the ground was frost covered.  Mom went outside and told the kitten to keep meowing and if she wanted to come in the house and be adopted to hold still, if the kitten ran, that was it for the night.  The tiny kitten stayed huddled under our tree meowing.  Mom picked up the kitten and took her inside and brought the little thing into my bedroom and woke me up. I reached out, pulled the kitten to me and we curled up and went to sleep.

Darcy - meaning little dark one in Gaelic - is a black n white tuxedo kitty and she had been thrown out of a moving car window. She had one side of her face scraped up, missing eyebrows, broken whiskers and shredded skin. Those healed and she hasn't meowed loudly since.  We call her small little meows, "tiny meows" and she's a fantastic cat.

 The last year and a half has been hard. We lost JJ just before moving, Jeannie shortly after getting here, Addy this last summer and Roxie, Dusty and Gabby in one month.

It's hard enough losing you, Marie and Karen, Mom, and one of my favorite actors Robin Sachs.


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