Shabbat Shalom

Another Shabbat, Mom.  I had a bad night last night between being unable to sleep and your cat, Nikki wanting attention all night, it was a long night.  Today we went and checked with the tax office and found that the homestead we filed last year under Jackie's lack of money/disability carries over. Instead of $2,500 in taxes for the year it'll be $240.00.  Much more manageable. We were pretty sure that it carried over but wanted to be sure.  We certainly couldn't afford $300 a month on a tax payment plan.

I'm making good progress on the first bluebird panel that you had started.  I'm going to do all six but not put them together in a baby blanket or sell them as a set. We'll try selling them individually first. That will get some things out there sooner rather than later.

I've been having a rough couple of days. I guess I wasn't doing as well as I had hoped. The lack of sleep and eating was apparent to my psych and others have worried a bit as well.

Jackie's avoiding thinking about things, I believe. Which is harder? Not getting past it when people think you should or ignoring it to be bitten later?

Stewart called last night. He got the letter where we told him about you passing. He's pretty stunned and starting to slip a little more than before. He also admitted he's walking with a cane and that his son is doing most of the work on the hall. Stewart is now in a lot of pain from the sciatic nerve.  With the abuses his body have gone through, I'm not surprised.  It was hard, Mom. We always thought he might be a little taken with you beyond a general friendship, Ma.


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