The VA and matzot

Well, my psych thinks that losing you, Mom, and losing 3 cats and Marie in a 3 month period is a little much for someone to take.  I really  have to agree with her.

She noted that I'm pale, hollow eyed and had lost weight.  She asked if I am sleeping, eating, getting enough sun and is my stomach upset.

No, no, no, yes.

She thinks that after having a very stressful two years I might be developing or already have an ulcer.  I've never had the burning pain with only certain foods that I've heard about so I didn't consider that. I see my physician the 2nd week of April and have a colon exam the first week of April. Good things, my psych believes. She also upped my anti-depressant meds a little.

Instead of the usual 3 months between visits she wants to see me in 2 weeks.  I'm not surprised.

We hit the Kroger above the VA, the one that has the huge Jewish section. They had their Kosher for Passover section set up and I was able to get my matzot and grape juice for Pesach.  I'm not sure if we're going to Patrick's this year or not. We're not sure either of us is up to being social with strangers right now.

I definitely am going to miss Dusty sleeping on my matzot crackers.  I really wanted a 2013 picture of that to go with the 2011 and 2012

Lynn called today.  They were heading up the hill from Fresno and had gotten a Banana Cream Pie from Marie Calendar's because Lynn has been a good kid and not over indulging on sweets lately.  She sounded good.  She said she had finished a book that she would have loved to send to you.  Lynn misses her book club buddy, Ma.

We're missing you.


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