paprika bendl - Paprika Chicken

My speciality. I found this recipe in an unusual book in my senior year in highschool and we gave it a try. I've adapted it over the years (reducing the paprika so we aren't reaching for a pitcher of water or milk like Jonathan Harker was).

This works well with just breasts or thighs or whatever combo you'd like.  The sauce is fantastic on eggs the next morning too.

Paprika Chicken (paprikabendl)

1 young fowl, about 4 lbs                               2 tbsp Hungarian sweet paprika
2 tbsp fat                                                         2 lrg onions, chopped
½ c tomato juice                                              2 tbsp flour
½ c sour cream

Cut chicken into serving pieces, and salt.  Lightly brown onions in fat.  Blend in half the paprika.  Add tomato juice and chicken.  Simmer, covered, 1 hour or until tender.  Remove chicken.  Add remaining paprika to sauce, then add the flour beaten into sour cream.  Simmer, stirring, 5 minutes or until well blended.  Put sauce through sieve, food mill or blender.  Heat chicken and pureed sauce together over low flame.  Arrange chicken on warm platter.  Pour half the sauce over, pass the rest separately in a sauceboat.

Serve with noodles, rice, potatoes or dumplings

# # # #

 Recognize the recipe, Mom? Annotated version of Bram Stoker's Dracula. Go figure I'd have to try this one, right?

I remember Jenny, Dave and Jackie pretty much licking their plates when I made this the first night at one of the campouts.

Today's a bad day today, Ma.  Still grieving a lot, I think. I'm not sleeping or eating well and the cold, gloomy weather isn't helping. 


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