Shabbat Shalom

Heading into Shabbat tonight. I'm lucky if I remember what day it is lately. Being conscious of Shabbat helps (so does several of the stores being closed on Sundays around here).

I've got my bread, I've got candles and grape juice - ready for Shabbat.
Yesterday was a bad day.  I think two months of incredible stress and not eating right (and not sleeping) is about to put me down if I don't find ways of working with this. I've started my green smoothies again and vitamins, a small step.  We're getting organized around here - from grocery lists to separating material into workable stacks/tubs, rearranging drawers, closets, etc.  I'm not sure why we feel the need to suddenly figure out where everything is and put it in it's place but it feels like progress.  I want to go through my huge collection of recipes and figure what we might like to try and move those into a folder and I'm printing up ones we have tried and liked (and those we didn't and why). 

At 51 we're becoming adults. Go figure. 

Part of the problem is that we did live with Mom. In most ways its a good thing, we aren't rushed to figure out what to do with her stuff and making snap decisions we might regret later but it's also harder to move forward in the grieving process - everywhere in this house is MOM. 

Cousin Chris is coming up from his school in the Navy next weekend and I think that will help.  Last time we saw him was over Thanksgiving and everything was in crisis mode. 

Today is a cleaning and craft day, I think.


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