Sunday Blues

How long does the disbelief last, Ma?  I still can't wrap my mind around the fact you're gone. No taking you to that favorite Mexican restaurant or Folk's. No pulling together money for the Rod Stewart concert this year.  No planning a trip to Stone Mountain. I'm so sorry we didn't get that done before you left us.

I'm missing you, Mama. We're getting things done, sorta. Trying to work on projects and get things done.  We had no idea that how much piecework was left undone by Grandma and by you.  We're going to work to finish them, Mom. 

To get better at sewing and cooking - I bet you're laughing over those!

Jackie has been pretty darn equal in helping keep the place clean and to jump in on projects.  She still spends long hours reading and I spend long hours on the computer but things are getting there.  It's hard, Ma. 

We got the hooks for the 2nd cup railing you wanted up and for the utensil rack. 

We're working on washing the material and then pressing it and seeing what we have.  We're thinking of starting out with some scrubs, tote bags and messenger bags.  Then tackling the quilt pieces - seeing what's there and doing wall hangings if there aren't enough pieces for a quilt already cut. Some of that material we'll never match nor find comparable fabric. The material has aged in some cases.

Chris and Georgia came by - he flushed the radiator and worked anti-freeze through the system.  We bought more of the material we did his pillow out of.  He'd like a couple more pillows - glad to know our Yule gifting was very appreciated. 

I think my depression is a little worse than usual but we expected that.  I'm having trouble eating and getting to sleep.  I'm working on it.


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