Day 7


One week since we lost you. Not easy.

Did I tell you Pasha wrote me? She was honored that we were playing her cd the day you left us. She will honor you at the winter gathering and wear the turtle necklace that you gave her.

Annette and Seth sent us a special teddy bear. It's hollow so a loved one's ashes can be held inside and those of us left can hug the bear when we need to be close.  The bear is that fuzzy stuff that Alice the cat loves and there is a leather heart on the bear's sweater with your name, Mom.

I put on your green scarecrow fall sweatshirt and Jackie wasn't expecting it. She had a moment over that.  Little things do that and we expect it.

I fried potatoes and eggs for dinner tonight. I forgot some ingredients for latkes so we'll have those tomorrow night.  I've got the electric menorah up in the window and will light the Hanukkah candles in a few.

I find I have no patience for the online madness right now.  I ended up blocking people this week rather than arguing and debating with them. I think that might be a policy I'm going to have for awhile. I need to take care of me and Jackie first and foremost.

People online have been fantastic. MP and Steph especially.  Cher is recovering from her car wreck and is sending encouraging emails.

I guess that Courserea has decided that anyone that completed 10 essays gets an automatic "A"/100% regardless of actual grades received.  So, I got a 100%.  I'd rather have the low "A" that I earned.  We were told that we could miss two - three essays and those wouldn't be counted into the grade. Now those people that needed to skip some essays got lower scores even if they aced the essays they did.  Not fair.

You know I enjoyed the course though and was challenged.  I might audit the beginning guitar course.  I passed by the Greek history and the Greek and Roman mythology class and I'm glad I did now. I couldn't have focused on that with everything that has happened.

I'm hoping to get back into my writing but right now I'm lucky if I can remember what I was doing when I get up out of my chair (as evidence by forgetting basics at Wal-Mart today for latkes).

I know we said no gifts this holiday season. We planned on pooling our gifting money together and getting more boxes of tile to work on the living room floor.  We're not going to do that since we have no idea what's going to happen with SSI next month and we're cutting back to try and save on the bills: no land-line phone or satellite as of Monday.  I am doing a wood burning project for Jackie and I want to do one for you. It just feels like I need to do something for your Yule.  It'll only cost a $1. I'll skip a bottle soda for that.

I'm lost, Mama. I know we'll make it through but it's hard.


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