More Words of Comfort

Here I sit, early am Ca time, reading my emails, and...oh, the shock of this one!

Your mother, oh God, your mother, was such a wonderful, thoughtful, SPECIAL person...always a smile on her face...ready to help, never judgemental, I could go on and on...

I remember when she worked at the little store, gas station, on the way to ****...I worked at St A's Hospital and commuted about 3 to 4 days a week to work in a CLUNK OF A of my stops on the way was at the "little store" where your mom buy bubble gum before started my shift at day, I got out of my car and went into the store, greeting your mom as my great surprise, she pushed me aside, grabbed "something from the wall", ran out side, and started spraying engine of my car.  It was on fire!  I stood there with my mouth open!

I worked at St A's in Registration...over a duration, I would see your mom and her mother as her mom became quite ill and required help in her last years...your mother never forgot me...we would always talk...

And oh, the Red inherited your mom's friendliness, openess...I always liked you (instantly) as I did your mom...

I just lost a friend of many years from 4th stage bilateral lung cancer, and everything, as with your mom, happened so suddenly...she knew she had lung cancer, but believed she was going to beat it...suddenly, it metastised to her (small nodule) brain and a (nodule) hip...she went in for radiation (after much chemo treating "just" the lung cancer...too much for her system...underwent the radiation, and went into a sudden tail spin...Hospice (GOD BLESS THEM) and her two daughters were with her (Minnesota) when she, too, passed peacefully at the end..,

There is a "new" book recently published written by a neurosurgen who was diagnosed as "dead"...he suddenly came back to life (on earth) and wrote a book about what he witnessed while showing a flat line ekg in hospital room...I want to purchase this book (I'll send you name when shock of your mom is over and I remember it) and also send it to you via Amazon (need your address, please?)...he saw colors, and felt a peace "almost beyond words"...

Oh, how I know how close to her you were/are...know that she is sleeping peacefully until we all come to judgment...(Lutheran belief) any case, her life is NOT over, we know that!

You converted to Jewish faith, and I know you have a sense of "peace" because of this...

Please write (******) and let us know what you want us to send and to whom, in her memory...

She is with, as a I write...

Betty (and Jerry)

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Dear Barbara and Jackie,
Know that our love and prayers are with you and your loved ones.  Know that your Mom is in the image and likeness of God.  Her soul is eternal and she will live in your hearts forever.
Love and Blessings Always,
Angelo and Stella Pizelo

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Hello hon,

I am so sorry to hear about Mum, I'm sending both you and Jackie prayers and strength. She is a lucky lady to have had you both with her. I'm sorry we've lost touch but I still think about you frequently.


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Polly and Jules;

we played music, read to her and talked with Mom today and into the night. We told her how much we love her, are going to miss her and how remarkable she's always been.

We told her it was okay to go.  She passed on this evening around 9:20p.m. It was an incredibly peaceful crossing. She had been struggling to breathe but it eased up and the pain left her face.  Awhile later she stopped breathing and looked as if she was sleeping without pain or care.

We are still stunned with how quickly this all happened. Jackie and I will work at seeing each other through this and remembering her and how absolutely amazing she is.

Sending hugs
more to follow

Barbie and Jackie
 Dear Barb, comforting knowing about her music, you are as thoughtful as she!  Kathlene has always been charitable, compassionate, rooted for the under dog, outgoing, never met a stranger, her letters were always so upbeat I saved them, even sent me a worry bag to tell each tiny angel one of my problems, put her back in the bag w/my problem so I did not have to worry about it any more.  Barb, I have had it in the same place next to my bed I know for forty years.  God bless her huge all-encompassing heart. In a couple of minutes, will have my worry bag, tell one angel about my concern for you, put it back in the tiny worry bag, talk to another angel about concern for Jackie, another about the  young man she befriended.  Next visit, remind her about this.  She can hear you, tell her it is okay with you (especially) for her to rest in peace, be with aunt maud, uncle roy, George Clinton, all her many love ones, knowing you and Jackie will be okay and will see her in God's time, will put her at ease.  God Speed tomorrow, polly

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This is heart breaking .. She is remarkable and her soul will carry with you and your sister. My prayers are with right now and always.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

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